What constitutes a main driver on a car insurance policy?

In layman terms the main driver is the person who uses the car the most. This technically does not have to be the registered keeper of the car (the person who owns it) but questions may be asked about this. Only because car insurance companies are wary of car fronting (saying someone is the main driver when they’re not to get cheaper premiums), but if you’re telling the truth then nothing to worry about.

Source: http://www.theaa.com/car-insurance/help.html

Can you have two car insurance policies running concurrently on the same car?

Technically yes, as long as the main drivers on each policy are different. There is no law against this.

However, if you have two policies the insurance companies can be cheeky buggers and say it is the other company that should pay which would cause you a bit of a headache. Plus you can’t have two main drivers on a car, one person has to reign supreme so one insurance will probably be invalid.

It all seems a big headache and too risky to me.



Celebrity men wearing uggs

Uggs are really comfy, they get a lot of stick as they are kind of ugly and sometimes a bit chavvy (pink sequinned Uggs come to mind?) and this is just girls wearing them. Men wearing Uggs is a sticky subject, should we deny men the comfort of Uggs through fear of ridicule? I’m thinking yes, they look odd and their endorsement from the likes of Joey Essex does them no favours.

However, a wide range of male celebrities are fans of Uggs. So you should make up your own mind.








Google search – celebrity man uggs

Why is Keanu Reeves sad?

Keanu Reeves has had a sad life. His father was arrested on drugs charges, his mother was a stripper who went on to get married and divorced multiple times. One of his sister had Leukaemia but she recovered, he donated 70% of his wage from The Matrix to charity.

His girlfriend gave birth to a still born child and later died in a car crash. His best friend River Phoenix died of a drugs overdose. He lives in an apartment and rides the subway. Everyone says he is a really nice guy just not a happy bunny.

Source: http://www.baconwrappedmedia.com/the-reasons-why-keanu-reeves-is-so-sad/